Arvo - afternoon ( tarde)
Bach - holiday home (casa de campo/praia)
Banger - sausage, as in bangers and mash (linguiça)
Barbie - barbecue ( churras )
Beaut – beauty Something good or outstanding. Often used ironically to mean the opposite ( beleza, frequentemente usado de maniera irônica)
Big bikkies – Lots of money ( bufunfa / grana preta)
Big smoke - large town or city ( cidade grande)
Bit of dag - hard case, comedian, person with character ( personalidade)
Bitser - mongrel dog ( vira lata)
Bloke - man ( homem / cara )
Bludge – Sponge off other’s generosity ( se aproveitar da boa vontade alheia)
Boy-racer - name given to a young man who drives a fast car with a loud stereo ( quem põe o rádio no último volume)
Box of birds – Feeling very good. ( sentindo-se bem)
Brickie - bricklayer ( pedreiro)
Bright as a button – Looking fresh, alert ( sentindo-se revigorado, fresco, alerta)
Bright spark – Intelligent, alert, attentive, awake ( atento, acordado)
Bring a plate - means bring a dish of food to share ( trazer um prato para dividir)
Bro – Term of address for a male friend or relative ( bro / broder / parceiro)
Brown eye - to flash your naked butt at someone ( baleia branca rs / mostrar a bunda pra alguém)
Bugger - damn! ( droga! )
Bungy - kiwi slang for elastic strap, as in Bungy Jumping ( bungy jump)
Bush - New Zealand’s native forest ( floresta)
Bushed – had it Exhausted ( exausto / cansado)
Buttie – Sandwich made from buttered bread ( sanduiche feito com pão com manteiga)
BYO Bring Your Own – A BYO restaurant is a restaurant that allows customers to bring their own wine to drink with their meal.( traga o seu próprio, alguns restaurante deixam você trazer a sua própria bebida para acompanhar a refeição, essa sigla BYO signica que você pode trazer, mas geralmente cobram uma taxa que é chamada "Corkage" )
Caravan - mobile home that you tow behind your car ( caravana que você guincha na traseira do carro)
Cardi - cardigan ( blusinha de lã)
Cast - immobilized, unable to get to your feet ( imobilizado)
Cheerio - goodbye ( falô! )
Cheerio - name for a cocktail sausage ( nome de um petisco)
Cheers - thanks ( valeu! )
Chick - slang word for woman/female ( mina)
Chippy - builder, carpenter ( carpinteiro / construtor)
Chilly bin – Cool bag ( cooler / caixa térmica)
Chips - deep fried slices of potato but much thicker than a french fry ( uma versão mais grossa de batata frita)
Chocka - full, overflowing ( lotado)
Choice – Fine, excellent ( beleza! )
Chook - chicken ( frango)
Chrissy pressies - Christmas presents ( presente de natal)
Chuddy - chewing gum ( chiclete)
Chunder - vomit, throw up ( vomitar/ gorfar)
Clean as a whistle – Sparkling clean ( super limpo)
Clown – Term of abuse, idiot ( palhaço / idiota)
Cockie - farmer ( fazendeiro)
Cotton buds - Q-tips ( cotonete)
Creek - small stream ( fonte de água)
Crib - bach ( casa de campo / praia)
Crook – To be ill or unwell. Also means a thief ( doente, também usado para ladrão)
Cuppa - cup of tea, as in cuppa tea ( uma xícara de café / chá)
Cuz - cousin, family ( primo / família)
Dag – An amusing person, a character ( uma pessoa engraçada)
Dairy – Convenience store ( lojinha de conveniência)
De facto - name used for a couple who are not married but are living together ( relacionamento estável, não casados que vivem juntos)
Ding - small dent in a vehicle ( lascas, como na prancha de surf)
The Ditch – Tasman Sea ( Mar da Tasmania)
Dodgy - bad, unreliable, not good ( maneira desonesta ou incorreta)
Dole - unemployment benefit ( seguro desemprego)
Domain – Public park ( parque)
Dork – An idiot or a physically uncoordinated person ( idiota ou desastrado)
Dough – Money ( dimdim)
Down the gurgler - failed plan ( plano que não deu certo)
Drive around the bend – Annoy so much you lose your temper ( perder a cabeça)
Drongo - stupid fool, idiot (bobo, besta)
Drop your gear - take your clothes off, get undressed ( tirar a roupa)
Dude – A cool or good looking male ( cara )
Dunny - toilet, bathroom, lavatory (banheiro)
Duvet - quilt, doona ( edredom)
Ear bashing - someone talking incessantly ( pessoa que fala muito)
Entree - appetizer, hors d’oeurve ( entrada)
Feed – A meal ( refeição)
Fizz Boat - small power boat ( barco potente)
Fizzy drink - soda pop ( refri)
Flannel - wash cloth, face cloth ( toalhinha)
Flat - apartment, name for rental accommodation that is shared ( apartamento compartilhado)
Flat tack – At top speed ( muito rápido)
Flat white – Similar to a café au lait but uses microfoam instead of steamed milk ( tipo de café, café com leite sem espuma)
Flicks - movies, picture theatre ( filme)
Flog - steal, rob (roubar)
Footie - rugby union or league, as in “going to watch the footie” ( rugby)
Foxy, fox – Used to describe a cool or good looking person of either sex ( gata / gato - no sentido de bonit@/sexy)
Full tit - going very fast, using all your power, as in “he was running full tit” ( a toda energia)
Fully – I agree ( concordo)
G’day - universal kiwi greeting, also spelled gidday ( bom dia)
Get the willies - overcome with trepidation ( ultrapassagem ousada)
Get off the grass – No way ( de jeito nenhum)
Glidetime – Flexible working hours ( horário de trabalho flexível)
Going bush - take a break, become reclusive ( dar uma maneirada na vida social)
Good as gold - feeling good, not a problem, yes ( ótimo)
Good on ya, mate! - congratulations, well done, proud of someone ( muito bem!)
Got the blues – Used to describe a sad state of mind ( depressivo/melancólico)
Greasies - fish and chips ( gordurento, usado para designar a comida típica deles aqui, peixe e batata frita)
Greenie – A conservationist ( uma pessoa consciente, que preserva a natureza)
Grog – Alcohol ( bebida alcólica)
Grouse – Fine, excellent, often used to express delight ( maravilha!)
Gumboots or gummies - rubber boots, wellingtons ( galocha)
Guts for garters – Big trouble ( problemão)
Handle - pint of beer ( caneca de cerveja)
Happy as larry - very happy ( muito feliz)
Hard case - amusing, funny person ( pessoa engraçada)
Hard graft -Hard work ( trabalho pesado)
Hard yakka - hard work ( trabalho pesado)
Head over heels – Usually describing somebody who is very very happy ( muito muito feliz)
Heart of gold – Describing a person who is very kind ( pessoa muito dócil, amigável)
Hollywood - to fake or exaggerate an injury on the sportsfield ( atletas que fingem se machucar em campo)
Home and hosed - safe, successfully finished, completed ( feito!)
Hook up – Meet up or join in ( se encontrar / encontros sociais)
Hoon - Young adult driving fast ( jovens que dirigem muito rápido)
Hosing down - heavy rain, raining heavily ( chuva forte)
Hottie - hot water bottle ( garrafa de água quente)
How’s it going mate? - kiwi greeting ( e aí, como vai?)
Iceblock - popsicle, Ice Stick ( picolé)
In a spin – Usually when too many things happen all at one time or too many choices ( quando muita coisa acontecendo ao mesmo tempo)
Jandal - thongs, sandals,flip-flops ( chinelo)
Joker – A man ( brincalhão)
Judder bar - speed bump ( lombada)
Jumper - sweater, jersey ( moletom)
Kick the bucket - die ( bater as botas / morrer)
Kiwi - New Zealander ( Neo Zeolandes)
Kiwifruit - Brown furry skinned fruit, Zespri, Chinese Gooseberry ( kiwi)
Knackered - exhausted, tired, lethargic ( muito cansado)
Knuckle sandwhich - a fist in the teeth, punch in the mouth ( soco na boca)
L&P - Fizzy soda water ( refrigerante da NZ)
Laughing gear - mouth, as in wrap your laughing gear around this ( boca)
Lift - elevator ( elevador)
Lolly - candy ( doces)
Long drop - outdoor toilet, hole in ground ( banheiro a céu aberto)
Loo - bathroom, toilet ( banheiro)
Lurgy - flu ( gripe)
Mad as a meat axe - very angry or crazy ( muito bravo ou doido)
Main - primary dish of a meal ( o prato mais importante da refeição)
Maori - indigenous people of New Zealand ( povo indígena da NZ)
Mate - buddy ( amigo/ companheiro)
Mince – Ground meat ( carne moída)
Mission – An adventure ( aventura)
Mongrel – A term of abuse or contempt for a person ( termo ofensivo)
Motorway - freeway ( rodovia)
Munted – To be broken or distorted ( quebrado / estragado )
My shout – My treat ( por minha conta)
Naff off - go away, get lost, leave me alone ( me deixa em paz)
Nana - grandmother, grandma ( avó)
Nappy - diaper ( fralda)
Narley – Cool, good ( massa/bacana )
Nifty – Good (applied to a thing) ( bom - usado pra coisas)
No joy – No luck ( sem sorte)
No worries – Common phrase of agreement ( não se preocupe / não esquenta)
North Cape to the Bluff - from one end of New Zealand to the other ( de oiapoque ao chui / do extremo Norte pro extremo Sul)
OE - Overseas Experience, many students go on their OE after finishing university, see the world ( intercâmbio)
Offsider - an assistant, someones friend, as in “we saw him and his offsider going down the road” ( assistente)
Off yer face – Drunk ( chapado / bêbado)
Old bomb - old car ( lata velha / carro velho)
Oldies - parents ( pais)
On a high – A good feeling that can come from success ( se sentindo incível / bem sucedido)
On the never never - paying for something using layby, not paying straight away ( pagando por algo continuamente, não de uma só vez)
On to it – Efficient or intelligent ( eficiente)
Once in a blue moon – Very rarely, seldom, almost never ( muito de vez em quando)
Open slather - a free-for-all ( gratuito)
Oz – Australia
Pack a sad - bad mood, morose, ill-humoured, broken , as in “she packed a sad” ( mal humor )
Paddock – A field, also a sports pitch ( campo )
Paint the town red – To go out and have a good time ( sair e aproveitar muito)
Pakeha - non-Maori person ( Kiwis não-Maoris)
Panel beater - auto repair shop, panel shop ( Funilaria)
Partner – Significant other. Typically someone will ask if you have a partner, versus asking if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. ( namorad@ / marido- esposa / normalmente utiliza-se partner pra perguntar se você é comprometido)
Pav - pavlova, dessert usually topped with kiwifruit and cream ( abreviação pra Pavlova, uma sobremesa Kiwi maravilhosa! )
Perve - to stare ( secando / olhando descaradamente)
Petrol - gasoline, gas ( gasolina/combustível)
Piece-of-piss - easy, not hard to do, as in “didn’t take me long to do, it was a piece of piss” ( muito facinho de se fazer)
Pikelet - small pancake usually had with jam and whipped cream ( panquequinhas doces, muito gostosinhas também)
Piker - someone who gives up easy, slacker ( frac@ / sem persistência)
Pike out – Give up ( desistir)
Pinky - little finger ( dedo mindinho)
Piss around - waste time, muck around ( desperdiçando tempo/ não fazendo nada de útil)
Piss off – Go away! Shut-up ( sai fora / cala a boca)
Piss up - party, social gathering, excuse for drinking alcohol ( encontro social pra se tomar umas biritas)
Pissed off - annoyed, angry, upset ( muito P )
Pisshead - someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, heavy drinker ( pessoa que bebe muito)
Plonk - cheap liquor, cheap wine ( birita baratinha)
Pong - bad smell, stink ( fedô / catinga / mal odor)
Pop on over/ pop in – Come and visit me at my house ( dá uma passada aqui em casa)
Postal code - zip code ( CEP / código postal)
Potluck dinner – Everyone brings prepared food to share with all the guests ( todo mundo traz um prato pronto pra dividir com a galera)
Pram - baby stroller, baby pushchair ( carrinho de bebê)
Pressie – A present (gift) ( presente)
Pub - bar or hotel that serves liquor ( bar)
Pudding - dessert ( sobremesa)
Pushing up daisies - dead and buried ( morto e enterrado)
Quack - Medical doctor ( medico)
Rack off – Go away angry ( sai fora/ sai daqui/ vai embora)
Randy - horny, wanting sex ( excitado)
Rapt – Very pleased ( muito satisfeito)
Rark up - telling somebody off ( dar bronca)
Rattle your dags - hurry up, get moving ( vai logo / acelera)
Rellies - relatives, family ( familia / parentes)
Ring - to telephone somebody, as in “I’ll give you a ring” ( ligar)
Root - have sex, get sex ( fazer sexo)
Rooted – Feel tired ( cansado)
Ropeable - very angry ( muito bravo)
Rough ride – A difficult experience ( uma experiência muito difícil)
Rubbish - garbage, trash ( lixo)
Rust bucket - decrepit motor car ( lata velha / carro velho)
Scarce as hens teeth - very scarce, rare ( muito escasso)
Scarfie - university student ( estudante de universidades)
Scroggin - trampers high energy food including dried fruits, chocolate ( comida de alto valor energético)
Scull - consume, drink quickly ( matar - no sentido de comer/beber algo muito rápido)
Serviette - paper napkin ( guardanapo)
Shandy - drink made with lemonade and beer ( bebida feita com limonada e cerveja)
Shark and taties - fish and chips ( peixe e bata frita - * essa eu nunca ouvi!)
She’ll be right – Everything is going to be OK ( vai ficar tudo bem)
Sheila - slang for woman/female ( menina)
Shit a brick - exclamation of surprise or annoyance ( exclamação de surpresa)
Shocking – Very bad ( chocante!)
Shoot through - to leave suddenly
Shout To – treat your friends to something such as a drink or a meal ( bancar seus amigos, tipo uma bebiba ou uma refeição)
Shout - to treat, to buy something for someone, as in “lunch is my shout” ( bancar / fazer a dos amigos)
Sickie - to take a day off work or school because you are sick ( dia de folga porque você está doente)
Skite - to boast, boasting, bragging ( se gabar / exibir)
Smoko – Coffee or tea break ( pausa pro café/ chá )
Snarler - sausage ( linguiça)
Snowed under – Usually has too much work or responsibility ( muito trabalho/ responsabilidade)
Sook - cry baby, wimp ( pessoa chorona)
Sparkie - electrician ( eletricista)
Sparrow fart - very early in the morning, sunrise ( muito cedo de manhã)
Sprog - child ( criança / imaturo)
Spud - potato ( batata)
Squiz - take a quick look ( dar uma olhadinha)
Steinie - bottle of Steinlager, brand lager ( garrafa de cerveja Steinlager, marca famosa aqui na NZ)
Sticks – Remote or rural district, the countryside ( no meio do mato/nada)
Stinge/Stingy – Not generous with your money ( mão de vaca)
Stoked – Very excited ( muito entusiasmado/feliz/satisfeito)
Strapped for cash - low on cash, no money ( duro / liso /quebrado - sem grana)
Stubby - small glass bottle of beer ( garrafinha de cerveja)
Sunday driver - someone who drives very slow ( domingueiro / bração - alguém que dirige mal ou muito devagar)
Sunnies - sunglasses ( óculos de sol)
Sweet-as! – Cool! Awesome! (irado! )
Swot – Study hard, especially before an exam ( estudar bastante, especialmente antes de uma prova)
Ta - thanks ( valeu)
Take-aways - food to be taken away and eaten, fast food outlet ( comida pra levar)
Tea - evening meal, dinner ( jantar)
Tights - pantyhose ( meia calça)
Tiki tour - scenic tour, take the long route ( passeio turístico)
To take for a ride – To deceive or trick someone ( enganar alguém)
Toastie – Toasted sandwich ( sanduíche na chapa)
Togs - swimsuit, bathing costume ( roupa de banho)
Tomato sauce – Ketchup ( Do not try asking for Ketchup. You will be met with alien looks.) (ketchup, mas nunca peça por ketchup, ou eles vão te olhar como se você fose um ET rs)
Torch - flashlight (lanterna)
Tramping - hiking ( trilha)
Trundler – Shopping cart ( carrinho de mercado)
Tucker – Food ( comida)
Turn to custard – Collapse of ideas, schemes, plans ( colapso de idéias/planos)
Twink - white-out (branquinho)
Unc/Unco – An uncoordinated person, often used as an insult or taunt (desastrado / atrapalhado)
Under the weather – Feeling off colour, unwell, tired ( doente/cansado - sem se sentir muito bem)
Uni – University ( Facul )
Up the duff - pregnant ( grávida)
Up the Puhoi – In difficulties ( com dificuldade)
Ute - small pickup truck ( caminhãozinho de entrega)
Varsity – University ( faculdade)
Veggies – Vegetables ( vegetais)
Wally - clown, silly person ( bobão)
Whinge - complain, moan ( reclamar / gemer)
Wicked – Fine, excellent ( ótimo!)
Wop-wops – Remote or rural district, the countryside ( no meio do mato / nada)
Yack - to have a conversation with a friend, to talk ( bater um papo)
Zed – How Kiwis pronounce the letter “Z” ( como os kiwis pronunciam a letra Z )